I Love All Different Seasons

This was my blog when I was five and six.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Big Ballet

One afternoon there was a girl that was eight years old and her name was Emily and she was a ballerina. She was the best in her class but not as good as her older sister was. Her older sister was in a class. She was the best in her class. They went to the same ballet school. There were different groups in it. Her older sister's name was Emma. They had a toddler younger sister that was in the ballet school.

Soon there will be a big dance show with the whole school. Different groups are different animals. Emily's group is butterflies. Emily's teacher picks her to be the queen butterfly. Emma is the queen bird in her class. And their younger sister is a queen kitty.

It was the big day before the dance show. They were all trying on their costumes. But their younger sister looks the prettiest. They practiced all day. They weared their costumes all day. When they went to ballet class that day they waited since they weared their ballet clothes in while most of them bring them in bags but some of them else were wearing them too. So they all played while they waited for the rest. They wiggled too much while they ate dinner, lunch, and breakfast.

Finally it was the day of the big dance show! They all drove there. They got in their costumes. The queen kitty their younger sister crawls around the floor the whole dance show followed by a line of the other kitties. The queen butterfly flied around the whole play followed by a line of the other butterflies. And the queen bird flied around the whole dance floor the whole show followed by a line of the other birds. Da End


At February 15, 2006 9:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! That was an outrageous story!
Love L


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