I Love All Different Seasons

This was my blog when I was five and six.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Facts About the Year

1. In spring and summer it is very light.

2. In fall at the beginning it's light and at the end it's dark.

3. In winter it is very dark.

4. The moon tells what part of a month it is.

5. In the year it changes from light to dark, from dark to light.

6. In the year you can always play with something. In summer and spring you can play with outside toys. In fall you can play in the leaves. In winter you can play in the snow.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

I Love The Year

I love winter. I love spring. I love summer. I love fall. All the time, I love the year. I like the seasons that are so bright. I like the moon that tells you when it is in the season. I love the seasons that are so bright. I love the sun that is so light. The moon in seasons is always full. The sun only lights up part of the moon. That's why it looks like it is different phases of the moon but it always is full moon in the seasons and months. I love the years and how bright it is in spring, summer, and fall, and at the end of fall I like how it's dark. In winter I like how the whole thing through is dark. Today was a very cold day!