I Love All Different Seasons

This was my blog when I was five and six.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Stories in Summer: A Couple Summer Stories

Once upon a time there was two girls. One was five and a half and one was ten. The ten year old was named Margaret and the five and a half year old was named Emma. One day they went out to play in their backyard. Emma and Margaret's mom filled up Emma's baby pool. So they put on their bathing suits and went out to play in Emma's baby pool. Then they got in a fight about staying outside or playing inside. Emma wanted to go play inside, but Margaret wanted to stay and play outside. Then Emma suggested that they should play different games. Emma could be inside playing and Margaret could be outside playing. The End

Once upon a time in a kingdom far away there was a palace. The next day would be the princess's birthday. The queen was making plans for her daughter's birthday. The king said, "It is time for our daughter to marry. I'll hold a ball." So all the eligible unmarried women in the kingdom came to the palace that night. All the girls laughed at the king when they saw that he had made a mistake. He was giving a ball for a princess and he had invited all girls. The king laughed when he made a mistake too. So then he had the ball the next night so he invited all the eligible unmarried men in the kingdom except for one did not come. He was planning to arrive later. The princess did not dance with anyone. When he came she went right up to him and started to dance with him. They danced and danced. The king and queen knew that that was who she would marry. The princess and him agreed that too, that they would marry. In a few days wedding bells were ringing throughout the land. People from miles away came to see the event. The End

Once upon a time it was a day two women were getting married. They were very old. They were like fifty. The day after their wedding they had already moved into their house. They went to the doctor so one of them could have a baby. They told them what to do. A couple months went by and the first day of June one of them had a baby. The End


At August 16, 2006 6:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are blogging again. I missed you. Your stories are wonderful, wonderful. I especially liked the one with Margaret in it and the one about the King who invited girls to the dance. What fun. Please do more. Looking forward to seeing you in a few days.
Aunt M


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